Everything you need to know about National Leagues

System FA  &  League Ground Grading


PREPARATION (Steps 3 & 4)

for your ground grading inspection.


Download the appropriate  Grading Document from the previous page. For Step 3 you will need Grade 3, but for future proofing also download and take note of  Grade 2 and the differences (mainly covered accommodation, capacity, turnstiles).  For Step 4 you will need Grade 4. Grade E no longer exists and so a lot of work may be required in one hit for compliance by March 31st in your first season at Step 4.

If you are a new entrant and your dressing rooms fall short of the 18sqm minimum and 6sqm minimum standards (main and match officials), you can apply to extend the grading deadline (for the dressing rooms only) up to July 31st, if you can prove that you have funding and planning (if needed) in place to carry out the works for compliance.


Unless you have a brand new ground or you are newly promoted from Step 5, you will undoubtedly have a Ground Grading questionnaire in your filing cabinet. This questionnaire should be the precursor for Grading Inspections. Use a copy of your previous one for reference by all means, but don't just copy and paste it with a fresh date added.  A blank questionnaire really is an excellent tool in helping to prepare thoroughly for your Ground Grading inspection.

Go for a walk around your ground with the questionnaire and fill in as much as you can to ensure it is fully up to date. With the Grading Document to hand also you will be able to quickly identify any deficiencies. Complete the questionnaire honestly and use it as an audit tool for your facilities. Make your own notes of anything you think needs to be done and this exercise is best carried out with your ground safety officer and facilities officer (if you have one). Return your up to date and completed form to your League Development Officer if and when asked.


Your League will contact you, if it hasn't already, to arrange the formal inspection. There should always be a minimum of 2 Inspectors for the arranged visit and a competent person from the club must be in attendance with keys for access to all parts of the ground, inside and out. Every inspection visit costs the club money, so you don't want the Inspectors having to return on another day because the keys to say, the South Stand lavatories or Medical Room cannot be found or are not available. Inspectors need to see everything and will also need to hear the PA System in use. Access will be needed to the turnstiles, clubhouse, boardroom, dressing rooms, WC's, medical room etc, so when the inspection is arranged ensure that facilities are not already booked out. Inspectors will always try to work around training sessions and or day fixtures that are going on, but access to everything will always be needed.


When the inspection is booked, make sure you have plenty of time available on the day. Inspectors can often be visiting up to 3 grounds in one day, so early and late arrivals are to be expected depending on traffic conditions and any particular issues encountered at a previous ground. If you wish to walk around all the facilities with the Inspectors, that is normally fine but be prepared for Inspectors to need some privacy to discuss any issues arising. Before the inspection team leave the ground they should run through with you all the issues they have identified as needing attention. Listen very carefully to this and if necessary ask them to show you exactly where in the ground they are talking about and what ideas they may have for you to solve the problem satisfactorily.


You should receive a written report from your League within about a week from the inspection. This will then become your definitive checklist of jobs to do. If you have not received it, chase them up. The FA lead the inspections and you will therefore receive a confirmatory report from Wembley, but this may take some time and it will be exactly the same as the one you receive from the League. You have until March 31st in the season of your inspection to be fully compliant. This includes; doing all the work, having a second inspection and having it recommended for a Grade pass by the inspection team. For minor items, the team may suggest that photographs of the rectified issues are all that is required and not a second inspection. This though is a time limited option only.


Failure to comply with your Ground Grading inspection report by 31st March will result in recommendation to fail the Grade. This recommendation is then considered by The FA Technical Panel/Alliance Committee. If they are in agreement then the club could be relegated at the end of that season by at least one Step or back to a level where the facilities do comply. The club may not be allowed to compete in any play-off matches. Appeals are allowed, but time limited. 

Next up - The Essentials
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